Tuesday, September 11, 2007

An Urgent Message For All Dog Owners....

Want to Increase The Lifespan Of Your Dog by up to 134% And Save Up To $10,000?

How do you do it? How do you raise a healthy, incredibly happy dog that can live up to 8.3 years longer? By NOT feeding your dog commercial dog food! It's just too risky.

Here's what I mean;

I hope that video clip opened your eyes just a little. Fortunately, there's a way to steer clear of this pet food minefield by learning from other peoples experiences. A gentleman by the name of Andrew Lewis has written an excellent report called "Dog Food SECRETS", that covers nearly everything you need to know about raising a super healthy and happy dog. He explains;

  • How commercial dog food is responsible for up to 87% of all dog deaths,
  • Banned chemicals in dog food that cause a myriad of diseases and behavioral problems,
  • cancer causing preservatives to look for in the ingredients of commercial dog food,
  • The 9 Best Dog Food Brands in all of North America,
And more. This report is the culmination of 3 years of research by Andrew to find out the truth of why his pet dog died just by eating commercially available dog food. He explains nutrition, recipes, how to diagnose for illness, keeping healthy teeth etc, etc. So here's the link to "Dog Food SECRETS"