Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Pet-food Protein-gate, part two

By William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

.....poisonous melamine was being added to these victuals. The purpose: To sell more pet food by deceiving pet owners into believing the dry vegetable junk food they're feeding their cats and dogs is protein-rich and good for them....

....As it turns out, like everything else in this country nowadays, the raw ingredients for ALL of the banned varieties of pet foods came not from hard-working American grain farmers......But from communist CHINA, where pollution and environmental waste is rampant, regulation scare, and where the jack-booted government values nothing (not even life) so much as the influx of American dollars.

According to FDA sources (like their Chief Veterinarian, for one), raw melamine has been found - not just in the U.S, but in other nations, too - in rice protein concentrate, wheat gluten, and corn gluten supplies earmarked specifically for pet foods. All of these tainted stockpiles were imported from China.

Dr. William Campbell Douglass II, M.D on Pet-food Protein

Dr. William Campbell Douglass is a doctor to notice. He is known as medicines' most acclaimed Myth Busters and "the conscience of modern medicine". Dr. Douglass has done pioneering work in natural medicine, set up a clinic in Uganda, Africa to treat the sick, invited to work at the renowned Pasteur Institute, flown with U.S Navy crews as a flight surgeon, traveled the world to add to his vast knowledge of alternative medicine and hailed today as an authority second to none, giving a fresh perspective on different treatments for people to make informed decisions. And as a bonus, he is also an animal lover! Here's a summary of his thoughts on pet food protein. So fire away Doc;

The Pet-food Protein-gate, part one

....recommendations on how to safeguard your kitties and pups against this fate: To feed them ONLY raw liver, chicken necks (most other uncooked meats are OK as well), and at least one daily raw egg - including the shell - rounding out their diet with cut vegetables added to the bowl.

.....this advice of mine directly contradicts not only everything you'll hear down at your local PetSmart store (or Petco, whatever), but also what several mainstream books recently published in wide release have to say about canine and feline diets. Believe me, though - I'm right and they're wrong.

More information has surfaced about exactly WHY our precious pets are dying. And as usual when it comes to nutrition - human or animal - one thing lies at the root of all the evil...


......the U.S. FDA is all but certain the source of the contamination that's sickening and killing our cats and dogs is melamine, a toxic chemical used in the manufacture of plastics, pesticides, and as a fertilizer. Melamine is high in nitrogen

....Though deemed safe in low concentrations....
direct ingestion of the substance can be deadly. Yet according to the FDA, melamine poisoning is likely what's sickening and killing so many of our pets nowadays. This kind of contamination would be VERY DIFFICULT without somebody adding melamine directly to pet foods, or to their ingredients.

...most brands of modern pet foods - especially the dry varieties - are made almost entirely of vegetable ingredients. There are several reasons for this, foremost among them being cost. It's far cheaper to make pet foods from soy this and wheat gluten that than it is to use real meats (which is impossible in the dry foods anyway)...

But since the average pet owner is at least aware of the fact that animals, like people, need PROTEIN to survive, pet food makers are big on adding things to their food to boost the appearance of nutrition. And in this case, that "additive" was very likely poisonous melamine.

.....According to a recent USA Today article, the agricultural industry typically gauges a raw grain's protein content by measuring its nitrogen content. Nitrogen levels generally correspond quite closely with protein levels...

...That's right. The FDA and other groups strongly suspect that nitrogen-rich melamine fertilizer was added in raw form to large quantities of ALREADY HARVESTED wheat and rice earmarked for pet foods in order to create the illusion that these worthless grains were higher in protein that they actually are.

Adamant about killer additives,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.