Friday, July 20, 2007

Very important tell-tale signs to look for on your dog.

How To Tell If Your Dog Is Sick?
"Dog ownership comes with responsibilities and one of them is to learn how to tell if your dog is fine or is probably sick with illness. I have come to know many dog owners who are not aware of early signs of health problems and when they have found out, it becomes more challenging to heal the condition. To prevent that from happening to your pet, read on to get yourself more intune with Scooby’s health condition."

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Put Dogs In With The Crazies

Pfizer's pet project

months ago, drug giant Pfizer (maker of Lipitor and Viagra) achieved a
pair of firsts when the FDA approved 2 new products in their pipeline -
a weight-loss medication and a new motion sickness drug…


apparently the human drug market just isn't big enough, so Big Pharma
is setting its sights on the millions of dogs and cats currently
occupying American households. According to a recent article in the
Chicago Tribune, the market for these pet-meds is an impressive one, to

  • 6 in 10 U.S. households have at least one resident pet
  • Americans currently care for 66 million dogs and 78 million cats
  • The animal health business grew 5% globally last year to $2.3 billion
  • Sales
    of animal health products in America jumped a full 8% last year (to
    $6.8 billion) - more than double the rate of growth for our economy as
    a whole
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