Monday, August 6, 2007

Dog Allergy Treatment

When treating your dog, it is always important to make sure the products you use are organic and chemical free for a completely healthy pet.

Monday, August 6, 2007

How To Treat Dog Allergies

Dog allergies can be very frustrating for both you and your dog. The constant itching and scratching, paw licking and chewing, skin rashes, or chronic ear infections can make life very unpleasant. Need some help dealing with your dog's allergies?

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Dogs Sniff Some Pirates

Dogs sniff out pirate DVD factory
Sniffer dogs Lucy and Flo
Lucky and Flo are trained to detect certain chemicals

Sniffer dogs have helped shut down a factory in Malaysia that was producing pirated films, according to the Motion Picture Association (MPA) trade body.

About 18,000 discs were seized from the premises near Kuala Lumpur, including illegal copies of The Simpsons Movie.

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