Thursday, June 28, 2007

Update on Protein-gate

More Gold from the good doctor...

The scandal that won't die…

As you may recall, a few weeks ago, I regaled with a 3-part series about the recent bulk dry pet-food scandal that involves, among other elements…

  • Vast quantities of vegetable-based pet foods that are contaminated with a toxic fertilizer and by-product of the plastics manufacture industry (melamine)
  • The collusion of the Chinese government in the exportation of raw food ingredients intentionally "fortified" with protein-mimicking melamine
  • The ridiculously lax U.S. inspection process that allowed these ingredients to find their way into pet foods (and other places, as you'll discover momentarily)
  • The knowing complicity of bulk pet-food manufacturers AND big-box retail pet supply outlets that peddle these products under dozens of different brand names.

As if this weren't intrigue and conspiracy enough for you, I ended up that 3-part series with a reference to how some of this pet-food may have seeped into the livestock food supply - which could end up threatening us humans.