Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sometimes We Have To Remember They're Just Dogs :-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

- Stupid Dog causes accident in Tour de France -

Even Homemade Dog Food Has Its Dangers

Here are some tips on selecting food sources for your fido when preparing homemade dog food. Put this in your shopping bag and refer to the list when shopping for your home made dog food. This is to ensure we do not accidentally add on food sources not appropriate for pets that could jeopardize their health if fed in the long run.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Moooooore Recalls......

China Closes Two Food Exporters Involved In Pet Food Recalls

Posted on Saturday, July 21st, 2007 at 5:52 am in News, National, Dogs, Cats, Other.

Chinese factoryChina has revoked the business licenses of two firms that exported melamine-tainted protein products. These contaminants ended up in U.S. pet food.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Very important tell-tale signs to look for on your dog.

How To Tell If Your Dog Is Sick?
"Dog ownership comes with responsibilities and one of them is to learn how to tell if your dog is fine or is probably sick with illness. I have come to know many dog owners who are not aware of early signs of health problems and when they have found out, it becomes more challenging to heal the condition. To prevent that from happening to your pet, read on to get yourself more intune with Scooby’s health condition."

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Put Dogs In With The Crazies

Pfizer's pet project

months ago, drug giant Pfizer (maker of Lipitor and Viagra) achieved a
pair of firsts when the FDA approved 2 new products in their pipeline -
a weight-loss medication and a new motion sickness drug…


apparently the human drug market just isn't big enough, so Big Pharma
is setting its sights on the millions of dogs and cats currently
occupying American households. According to a recent article in the
Chicago Tribune, the market for these pet-meds is an impressive one, to

  • 6 in 10 U.S. households have at least one resident pet
  • Americans currently care for 66 million dogs and 78 million cats
  • The animal health business grew 5% globally last year to $2.3 billion
  • Sales
    of animal health products in America jumped a full 8% last year (to
    $6.8 billion) - more than double the rate of growth for our economy as
    a whole
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Malnourished Dogs

Give a dog a bone

Hold onto your leash. Pet supply mega-chains are peddling
over-priced pseudo-foods that are responsible for the
malnourishment of our hounds on a massive scale. Not only
that, they're intentionally steering dog owners AWAY from
the natural raw foods canines really need to stay as healthy
as they can be.

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Cloning Our Pets

Cloning goes mainstream

Like something out of a Ray Bradbury novel, we're slowly but
surely beginning to embrace the idea of genetic duplication
as a tool to make our world more pleasing or long-lasting to
us - starting with our pets

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Cool Website Review

Announcing the Launch Of Zootoo.com

NEW YORK, July 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Zootoo.com, the nations' first unbiased, user-generated Web site designed to review and rate pet products and services, went live today.

Richard Thompson, founder of Zootoo.com and ex CEO / Top Cat of Meow Mix Company, said: "Zootoo will create an entirely new proactive pet community. We intend to raise the bar for the pet industry and help pets and the people who love them by rating and reviewing products and services. Users will help other pet lovers make the right choices for their pets and Zootoo will identify issues -- like tainted pet food -- before manufacturers announce a recall."

Zootoo participants will earn valuable Zootoo Points that can add up to big cash awards for users and big contributions to pet shelters. All this leads to a really exciting event to be announced in August 2007. Zootoo also registered Zootoo House Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation dedicated to aiding needy animal shelters.

Yet Another Use For Your Dog!

Earthquake Predictors

Since 373 BC when the ancient Greeks first noted that rats, weasels, snakes, and even centipedes fled the city of Helice days before the earth violently shook, people have believed that animals are able to predict earthquakes. When the Tsunami of 2004 devastated the countries along the Indian Ocean, it took the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, but animals faired remarkably well. The Chinese have long believed dogs and cats are able to predict quakes. In 1975, the city of Haicheng was evacuated days in advance of an earthquake based on the behavior of dogs and cats. An estimated 150,000 lives were saved. Stories like these lead many to believe that animals have some kind of sixth sense.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Another wrinkle in the great Chinese food scandal…

The new "China Syndrome," part one

You may remember the hit 1979 movie called "The China Syndrome," starring Jane Fonda, Jack Lemmon, and Michael Douglas. It was about cover-ups of safety violations at an American nuclear power plant.

Ironically, the movie was released just days before the real-life partial meltdown at Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. In the film, the phrase "china syndrome" referred not to anything as insidious as faulty Chinese materials the reactor core was built from, but to the facetious notion that, should a "total meltdown" occur, the plant would have burned clear through the Earth to China. (And, actually, the plant responded exactly as programmed and shut down with no injuries at all - but you know Hollywood.) But as usual, I digress…

Today, there's a different deadly threat to the safety of American citizens that really DOES center on China: The flow of tainted foodstuffs and other ingestible products for both animal and people.


Pet Shop Heist

Dogs aren't the only ones that should be neutered.

CCTV shows family stealing dog

Wednesday Jul 4 13:00 AEST
Stolen Italian greyhound, Coco.

By ninemsn staff

Security cameras have captured a family of four stealing a $700 pure-bred puppy from a pet shop at a Melbourne shopping centre on the first day of the school holidays.

The puppy, known as Coco, was returned to Pets At Home in Fountain Gate Mall about 12.30pm today — two days after it was stolen, the shop's managing director David Herman said.